Loan Rates

If you have any questions about Loan Rates, contact us one of the following ways or stop by and talk to us in person.

Loan Type APR*
Agriculture Operating Loans 7.50%
Equipment Loans 5.99%
Livestock Loan 11.99%
Business Loans 7.50%
Used Vehicle 10.00% (Credit Score less than 700)
8.75% (Credit Score 700 or above)
New Vehicle 5.99% (Includes 2024 with 20,000 miles or less)
Lawn Tractors 10.00% - NEW / 11.50% - USED
Recreational 9.75% NEW/ 10.50 USED
School Bus 10.00% NEW/ 10.50% USED
Real Estate Contact Credit Union for Current Rate
Fixed Rate Land Loans Prime Rate (Maximun Term 10 years)
Share Secured Loans 1.50% Above Current Divided Rate
Unsecured 14.75%

Accounts Insured by American Share Insurance *Rates & Terms are subject to change*